Welcome to my practice. My goal is to provide an environment where people can heal their body and mind. After 10 years of experience as a talk therapist, I realize the importance of telling and owning our own stories. Through this we gain insight, create meaning, and develop a deeper sense of self. Ultimately, this is a path to finding our purpose. Deep fulfillment from life requires this…but it’s not everything.

What we know is our body holds all of our unprocessed emotions in the form of energy. Anger, rage, depression and anxiety all take form from these repressed emotions. Talking about things doesn’t always do the job of releasing them, in fact these emotions can be exacerbated due to the neural pathways becoming stronger every time we verbally process. We need a deeper healing - one that can’t be reached through talking - and that is through somatic and energy work. We need to access our emotional body (which leads to nervous system regulation) through holistic healing.

It is the combination of talk therapy, nervous system regulation through somatic practices, and energy healing (Reiki and breath work) that leads to a deep, lasting change. Our sessions together can include a combination of any or all of these based on your individual needs and preferences.